Got this from my parents for my birthday. 3/4 of the engines have broken off which is a shame but idrc since I'm not a big fan of airbuses.
The condition of this one is actually pretty great compared to the others I bought from this batch.
I've wanted this exact model since 2021 because I found this design so sleek and beautiful so when I spotted it in the megastore I HAD to buy it.
My mother found someone on marktplaats sell a bunch of plane models. From the four she showed, this one stuck out to me the most because it was the most unique from them. Funny thing: I never knew the beluga airbus had ventral fins and extra fins on the horizontal stabilisers before I saw them on the model.
When going to this store for my birthday I alreaady had one plane in mind. Then I realised I had money left and I found this beautifully colored plane. (It was on sale too so a W is a W)
I got this one from my parents for my birthday. I like the shape of the McDonnell Douglas MD-11 (it's where the jet only has 3 engines, with one on its tail).
I wasn't aware of the existence of this plane, but when I was visiting the megastore I saw this and I thought it was ingenious. There are two variants of this design; A blue and a pink whale shark.
For more info click here.
I found this at a random thrift store I visited. Unfortunately, all the white parts of the model had turned yellow due to UV exposure, but it didn't really matter to me and I bought it anyways.
Got this for my birthday. I love the design and the colours of this model. IMO much better than the plain blue KLM planes.
My parents bought this for me on my birthday. A pretty sleek plane, but there's not much else I can say about it.
My parents bought this for my birthday. It's one of my favourite models because I love these kinds of planes for some reason (the ones that have the engines on the back instead of on the wings).
My parents bought this for my birthday. I'm more into commercial airplanes/jets but this model is kind of refreshing to me. Still a very beloved one.
These were bunched up with a bunch of other small planes. The paint *IS* chipped and one is missing its front wheels, but they're very cute. I'm not sure if these actually are the airbus A300 because they don't have the darkened nose, but I'm willing to argue it's due to the chipped paint since everything else matches.
Got this from my parents. One of the halves is kinda tanned though because I put it near my window for a very long time.
My parents said that they were taking me to the aviatio megastore again for my birthday and that I had to pick out a plane from my wishlist, so I chose this one!
Mom got this for me when she was taxiing at Zurich airport.
My parents bought this for me. I cherish it a lot since thai airways is one of my favourite airlines and I have some nice memories attached to it.
My parents bought this for me. It's a very beautiful one considering its design. Very artistic! ^_^
Bought this after spotting it at my regular thrift store. It was grouped with a bunch of other small planes in the toy section (surprisingly).
I got this from someone because they heard I was very interested in planes. The front wheels decided to just snap off one day and I still haven't glued them back.
Got this with a bunch of other planes from a thrift store. A bunch of the details are gone/discoloured. The stripes and logo, for example, are also stickered on which is an interesting choice because they are starting to peel off.